
  • Year of composition: 2021

  • Instrumentation: solo alto saxophone

  • Duration: 7'30" ca.

  • Premiere: 4th January 2022 by Maayan James at Studio Annette in Tel Aviv (ISR) for Meitar Ensemble's CEME 2022

  • Program notes:

« One and One —are One — Two—be finished using — Well enough for Schools — But for Minor Choosing — Life — just — or Death — Or the Everlasting — More — would be too vast For the Soul's Comprising — »

Thus Emily Dickinson, in her extraordinary expressive power, highlights the primary contrast between Life and Death, between One and Nobody, between Nothing and Eternity. The human being as such naturally tends towards ambivalence, the very engine of creative expression and the perennial search for the Beyond: how can dualism be represented in music? Which instrumental, timbral, formal but above all expressive interactions can express this conflict?

But first of all: is there a form of "dual" conflict even in the sound universe? The path of the piece is structured around these questions, generating an evolutionary interaction, a contrast and a rapprochement between the musical materials in the perennial (unfinished) search for a resolution of dualism.

  • Recording(s):